Tuesday 19 November 2013

What to do

I have got a list with possible models:

  1. Louisa MB
  2. Laura Marie-Miucci
  3. Andreea Ciucico
  4. Leigh Sinden
  5. Shelby Rose?
  6. Jodie Perry
  7. Charley Loader
  8. Melinoe Immortal
  9. Dytush
  10. Natalia Nazarchevici
  11. Sara Clarke
  12. Sara Meissner
  13. Hayley Brown
  14. Michelle Vincent
  15. Agota Nemeth
Basically, my plan is to to choose around 10 models max 15 and have a chat with them and try to discuss about their obsessions. After I pick up the information that I need from the interview I will create the story. I am going to find places specific to the obsessions or places where I could fit in my story. After that, I am going to prepare those places. The models will be dressed and will have their make-up done very well like they would do a fashion shoot but the images will have something to say. It's going to be like a fashion shoot with a deep meaning.

It's quite hard to "write down" the images that I have got in my mind. I have got a very good photographic memory so that's why when I create something I create images, bits put together not words or just meaning. Usually, fashion shoots are just fashion shoots where the models just try to advertise and sell what they are wearing. In my images, I'm going to put the emphasis on the story(obsession) and not necessarily on the clothes, I am going to create a mood!!I want to find out what does the model feel when she feels the obsession. Is it anxiety, fear,sadness,happiness,joy? Does she want to scream? And then I am going to use that when it comes to posing and the mood of the picture.

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